RER I Real Estate Review
The Real Estate Review is a quarterly journal published by Thomson Reuters , and is one of the oldest journals covering real estate matters in the US. The Review is a vehicle to disseminate research around the country that addresses the broad scope of issues in real estate development, and is a platform for promoting multidisciplinary consideration of real estate from all the disciplines that impact the built environment. The Colvin Institute has been associated with the Review since 2008 with the Director of the Institute, Margaret McFarland, as the Editor-in-Chief of the Review.
The Review is an outlet for publishing Colvin Institute research, as well as fostering and soliciting case studies and other research materials from professionals and academics around the country. The Review includes professional as well as academic articles, case studies, book reviews, reports and commentary covering a wide range of topics including, of course real estate finance and investment, housing, including senior housing, place making, tax and appraisal issues, asset and portfolio management, urban planning and urban design. There is a paucity of textbook and articles that take an integrated view of real estate development and the Review is an educational resource not only to faculty at Maryland but to other colleagues around the country as well as to the professional community.